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What reports does Schedulicity have?
What reports does Schedulicity have?

Types of reports in Schedulicity, how to export a report to Excel, tax season, tax reports, payroll, payment, cancellations, packages

Mikayla avatar
Written by Mikayla
Updated over 9 months ago

Whether it's tax time and you need reports on revenue/taxes collected, or you're looking to dig into your booking and client reports. Find that info under the Reports tab 📈

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Schedule-based Reports

  1. Click the three-lines in the upper left and choose Reports

  2. Select the report from the list

  3. Filter by date, provider/instructor, or activity! Then print or export via the button in the upper right.

Schedule Report

  • Filter the report by provider/instructor and date range.

  • Filter by status to show -> Active, Canceled or All Appointments. No-showed appointments are designated with the no-showed date and time.

  • Canceled appointments indicate who canceled the appointment and when.

  • Rescheduled stamp, indicates that the client rescheduled their booking online -> click the clients name -> and appointment -> to view the Original Appointment Details

  • Via the exported version of the Schedule Report, to view notes attached to appointments.

💡 Pro tip: These reports can be pulled one year at a time, so if you need 2014-2016, run 2014-2015 first and then 2015-2016 second.


View Cancellations through our Schedule Report ☝️ ! To view only cancelled appointments, select "Cancelled" from the Status dropdown menu via the Schedule Report.

Schedule By Provider

View this report through our Schedule Report ☝️ To view a provider's schedule only, opt to filter by that individual provider.

Class Attendance

  • View class attendance, which of your clients are enrolled, if they're checked in, or if they were a no-show.

  • Export this report via the button in the upper right.

Workshop Attendance

  • View your workshop attendance at a glance.

  • Lists which clients are enrolled, if they checked in, or if they were a no-show.

  • Export this report via the button in the upper right.

Booking Activity

  • This report lists all clients who scheduled with you based on the time frame selected 📖

  • View how many clients book online versus how many appointments your business booked in store, along with the grand total. It will also list how many no-shows you had for that given time frame. This report can be printed.

Client-based Reports

  1. Click the three-lines in the upper left and choose Reports

  2. Select the report of your choice from the list

  3. Filter by date, provider/instructor, or activity. Then export in the upper right.

New Client Bookings

This report lists new client appointments based on the date range selected.

  • The report includes the service/class offered, the service provider, the client’s name and their phone and email address.

  • Access the client’s profile from the report by clicking on their name.

  • Client bookings that have been canceled will display with a strikethrough.

Clients by City

This report shows client information according to the city that is listed in their profile 🏙️

  • Select a specific city from a dropdown menu to see all clients who are associated with that city.

  • The client's name, city, state, zip code, and email address are displayed.

  • Navigate to the client's profile by clicking on their name.

Clients by Tag

Run a report by a specific tag assigned to client records.

  • Client contact information displays including name, address, phone number, and email address.

  • Click on the client's name to navigate to their profile.

Client Bookings

This report shows overall appointment/class attendance during a set timeframe. It includes appointments created by clients as well as appointments created in the store.

While the total number of appointments is listed (including no-shows), this list does not include cancellations.

Problem Email Addresses

Lists clients who were sent emails that bounced or were undeliverable.

  • If an email address is misspelled, you can Edit & Verify the email, Delete Email, or access the client’s profile. For more details on this report head here ✉️

Clients by Provider

Filter by Provider to pull a list of a Provider's clients. Export the report for your provider, if they need a list of their clients.

  • The export includes: client's first name, middle name, last name, address, email, phone, date of birth, client notes, client tags, date created, and date last seen.

  • Clients with standing past appointments are included in the list. If a client's appointments were canceled or no-showed, the client does not display on the list.

Active Packages

This report provides all the details for your clients Packages.

  • Client name, Package name, Price, Initial Sessions, Used Sessions, Remaining Sessions, Date expires, Date added, Added by


View this report to see active and failed monthly subscriptions for clients set up with Auto Billing 💰

Exported Client List

The Complete Client List is a handy way to pull up a specific client you're looking for or view your clients all at once. If you are the account owner, you have the option to print or export the list:

  1. Click the three lines on the top left and choose Clients

  2. In the top right choose Export

  3. The list will download to your browser and you can access it in your download folder

Payment Reports

  1. Click the three-line menu in the upper left and choose Reports

  2. Select the report of your choice

  3. Filter by date and print and/or export 💸

Sales Summary Report

  • This report breaks down gross sales, net sales, discounts, fees, refunds, taxes and gratuity.

  • Filter by provider as well as date range.

  • Print or export this report.

Estimated Revenue

The Estimated Revenue gives you an idea of your sales for a given period of time.

  • This report can be sorted based on provider.

  • The amount for the estimate that the service is listed for under the client's appointment details.

  • We take into account discounts and price changes associated with a service or class.

  • We list any add ons that you may have sold for that given time frame.

  • This is an estimate and not an exact report for revenue.

  • You have the ability to export this report.

Product Management

This report is designed to give you a bird's-eye view of your inventory and product sales. The report lists your products by name, the number of items in stock, the cost of the item, the price of the item listed for sale, the tax included per item, as well as the overall sales price of the items in stock. You can print or export this report to Excel 👕

Transaction Report

The Transaction Report helps you track and manage payments you’ve collected through your Schedulicity account. This report can be exported for more payment details:

  1. Click the three lines in the top left and select Payments

  2. Click Edit next to Report Settings and use the fields to filter your report- click Apply

  3. View the transactions listed below or click Export to view in a spreadsheet

Other Reports

To run these reports:

  1. Click the three lines in the top left and choose Reports

  2. Select the report of your choice from the list

  3. Depending on the report, you can filter by date, provider/instructor, or activity.

Service Popularity

A list of your most popular services scheduled in a specific timeframe.

  • Expand the services to see which clients have scheduled the service, and how many appointments were scheduled online and in-store.

  • Access the client’s profile by clicking on the clients name.

Class Popularity

This report shows how popular a class is and the clients enrolled in each session.

  • Filter by day of the week, time, class, instructor, and also date range!

  • This report shows the instructor's name, enrollment count, checked-in count, and no-show count.

Workshop Popularity

This report shows clients enrolled in workshops within a particular date range.

  • This report can be filtered by date range.

  • It shows each workshop session details, provider who is tied to the session, enrollment count, checked-in count, no-show count, capacity of the workshop, and fill percentage.

Promotion Popularity

A list of the most popular promotions in a given time frame.

  • Each promotion is listed with the number of attached appointments within the time frame selected.

Promotion Performance

A list of every promotion available including Add-ons, Deal Manager, and Fill My Book deals.

  • Includes the date the promotion was claimed (booked), the client name, phone number, email, and the appointment/class date 🛍️

Package Popularity

A list of the most popular packages for a given time frame. Each package is listed with the number of clients who had packages added within the time frame selected.

💡Click Details next to the name of the package to view the clients who have had this package on file and how many sessions they have remaining.

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