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What are Promotions?

Can I sell products/retail? Promote services in the booking process with the Automated Marketing feature, upsell products during booking

Angela avatar
Written by Angela
Updated over 10 months ago

The Promotions feature can help you advertise your inventory and products when your client is booking their appointment online. As the promoted item won't have a duration, it's also a route to go if you're wanting to offer add-ons to a client's service!

Once promoted items are added, clients will see those items on the final booking page and can add them to their appointment! You'll see that a client added a Promotion when a tag icon appears on their appointment. Click on the appointment to see which Promotion they added and you can have their products ready for them when they arrive!

πŸ‘‰ Keep in mind, clients are not charged for promotions at the time of booking, though you'll see that tag icon and know to stash that item for them!

To create a Promotion:

  1. Click the three lines in the upper left and head to Marketing

  2. Select Promotions and then choose the Items tab across the top

  3. Click the Add New button in the top right

  4. Create the Promotion name, description, booking dates and price. Save!

To edit a Promotion:

  1. Click the three lines in the upper left and head to Marketing

  2. Select Promotions and then choose the Items tab across the top

  3. Click on the promotion from the list and click Edit

  4. Make your changes and Update

To delete a Promotion:

  1. Click the three lines in the upper left and head to Marketing

  2. Select Promotions and then choose the Items tab across the top

  3. Click on the promotion from the list and choose Delete

  4. Hit yes to confirm the deletion

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