Payment Dashboard

Schedulicity Payment Dashboard, Update bank account, View transactions, Chargebacks, Access 1099's, Statements

Angela avatar
Written by Angela
Updated over a week ago

Want access to even more information regarding your credit card transactions with Schedulicity Pay? πŸ‘€
We've got you covered- welcome to the Payment Dashboard where you can manage your payments, payout account, disputes and more ✨

How do I access the Payment Dashboard and what's my username?

Once you are approved for processing with Schedulicity Pay, you'll receive an email from Adyen (payment partner) with instructions to get started. Just choose Schedulicity from the "Account" tab. If you missed the email, no worries, just check out these steps:

  1. Head to the Payments tab in your Schedulicity account

  2. Request a new email by choosing View Payment Dashboard

  3. Now choose forgot my password.

πŸ’‘ Pro tip: Your username (case specific) will be listed right in your account. When it asks for account that is "Schedulicity".​

Jump to a Section


  • An overview of your transactions and sales

  • Any tasks and to do's


Search any payments connected to your account here!

  • The PSP reference number will also be listed as the Adyen Transaction ID in your transaction details in Schedulicity.

Disputes (Chargebacks)

While disputes are never fun to deal with, this section shows a list of any disputes from your clients.

To defend a dispute, go ahead and click on the payment. The required documents will vary and depend on the reason for the dispute.

**There will be a $15 dispute fee for each chargeback

Want more chargeback details? Check out this article πŸ“°


Here's the ones you'll want to pay attention to for more details on your deposits. All reports can be exported in Excel or csv.
​Aggregate settlement-Aggregates all payments that were settled over multiple days. Payments are aggregated by the card schemes and/or payment methods.

Invoices (Monthly Statements) - This will post first of each month as your monthly statement.
​Sales to Payouts-This is the simplest view to will show your daily deposit or filter by dates to see a date range. Choose "Payouts", select your date range to see what will be deposited to your account on file with fees removed.

Settlement details - Contains every payment that was settled on one or multiple days. It will be generated every day.

1099 Completed Form-Provides information for tax filling purposes and is automatically generated during the month of January
​Interactive Payment Accounting- Provides a full overview on financial status changes, events and modifications of every payment that was processed

Payout accounts -From this list, you can add, remove, edit and pause your payout accounts

To change your payout (bank) account:

1. You'll see bank account set up for deposits that was added when applied
2. Choose "remove" from the 3 dots to the right, then "Add Payout Account"

3. Make desired changes and select "next" to upload banking verification

4. Once uploaded you can choose "submit"

Your request is then forwarded to the team for approval. We’ll review the payout account details within 2 business days.

Accepted document types:

  • Deposit ticket/form

  • Bank statement

  • Screenshot of online banking environment

  • Official email or letter from your bank

    Document requirements: Must be less than 12 months old, your legal entity name as the account holder, full account number and routing number visible. Supports: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF. Size up to 4 MB. Maximum 1 page.


See which payment devices you have

Shows your account

System Messages

You have the option to subscribe to all or just the one you select.
​ Options are:

  • Fraud notifications

  • Chargebacks

  • Account
    Be sure to hit "Save" in bottom right after making your selection.

How do I update my Payment Dashboard password?
Choose your business name in the bottom lefthand corner and choose profile. You can also manage multi-factor authentication.

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